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Why Biking to Work in Winnipeg is Easier Than you Thought

July 28, 2017

Traffic jam in a hot car < Breezing home by bike.

It’s somehow almost August, but you still have plenty of time to dust off your bike and get familiar with Winnipeg’s many bike routes while the weather is still nice. For renters, owning a bike can come down to available space, but you can find creative ways to store your bike, even if you live a small space like a loft apartment.

It’s understandable if you have other reservations—that’s why we asked Bike Winnipeg‘s executive director Mark Cohoe to bust some myths on biking to work.

Q: What if my workplace doesn’t have a place to shower?

A: It’s really the extra 5 km an hour that will make you sweat, but if you take it a casual pace, you’ll get there within one minute than as if you had rode as hard as you can. You might as well take it a more casual pace and enjoy some of the scenery.

Q: What if I have to bring stuff to work and don’t have space on my bike?

A: There’s things like the car co-op or you can bring your own car some days. But most days you’re probably just bringing yourself and maybe some lunch. A pannier easily holds that in. It can go off the bike and into the office really easily.

Gryd tip: For extra space at home, use your bike as wall decor or to create the illusion of separate spaces in a loft apartment. Find a loft apartment on Gryd.com

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loft apartment loft apartment
loft apartment loft apartment
Q: If I’m looking for a bike to commute to work, do you have any suggestions?

A: You’re going to want something with fenders and a bike rack. A hybrid a great option—a city bike is really what you’re looking for. It will give you a bit of flexibility in terms of speed and solid ridibility.

Q: I don’t know what the the bike routes are to get to work, do you have any suggestions for where I should find those?

A:  The city produces a bike map on a yearly basis.  It gives you a sense of where the different routes are and really helps with planning.

Q: What do you say to people who think the roads are a little too dangerous to ride?

A: Part of that is planning your route. Certainly some of them are a bit more dangerous—but you have to keep it in perspective. The health risk of getting hit is actually less than the health benefit from riding that bike and getting that daily exercise. You can plan your route to have a really nice, pleasing, aesthetic, joyful ride.

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