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How to Break the Ice with Your Winnipeg Neighbours

August 1, 2017

It’s a strange world we live in when people who live meters apart are oblivious to each other’s existence.

Knowing your neighbours is nice. It can be awkward to make that first connection, but everyone in Winnipeg is separated by about two degrees—you’re sure to find a shared friend or interest soon enough. And once you do, you can reap the benefits of having a good neighbour, like having someone to feed your cat while you’re on vacation and let you in the building when you lose your keys.

Here are 5 tips for getting to know your Winnipeg neighbour:

1. Be attentive in the hallway

Next time you’re walking in or out of your apartment, put your phone down, smile and make eye contact with people. Why? Science says so. From a study out of Purdue University, psychology professor Eric Wassermann wrote:

“Because social connections are fundamental to survival, researchers argue that humans evolved systems to detect the slightest cues of inclusion or exclusion. For example, simple eye contact is sufficient to convey inclusion.”

2. Small talk part 1: Compliments

If you’re living in Winnipeg apartment rentals, you might not have an easy option like complimenting a lush garden. Instead, mention the amazing smell of home cooking you caught coming out of their apartment the other day. You could even ask to borrow the recipe. This invites an easy follow- up conversation about how the recipe turned out.

 3. Small talk part 2: Complaining

Winnipeggers love to complain about the weather. It’s a pillar of our social society that instantly creates a sense of solidarity between two people.  You can literally do it any day of the year, no matter how hot, cool, warm, hot, humid, or dry it is outside.

4. Ask for a favour

I’m not condoning lying here, but maybe you “forgot” to pick up sugar and found yourself in a bind when whipping up some cookies. Your neighbour will feel good for helping, plus you can bring some baking over as thanks. It’s the quintessential neighbour housewarming move, and this strategy gives some reasoning behind the gesture if you’ve been neighbours for a while.

5. Make use of your apartment’s amenities

Many Winnipeg apartment rentals have a gym, pool or common room. Even if you don’t really want to use those facilities, show your face every once in a while if you’re intent on making some neighbourly connections.

Search for Winnipeg apartment rentals with great amenities on Gryd.com.

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