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Researching a Winnipeg Apartment Before Moving In

September 8, 2017

Knowing what you’re paying for in a Winnipeg apartment is one thing – knowing where to find that information is another.

When looking for a Winnipeg apartment, it can be tough to gain all the facts you need to make an informed renting decision. Instead of playing the guessing game, here are a few tips on how to research a place before putting down a deposit.

Know The Info

While researching, you need to know which questions to ask and what information is important. Before reading this post, you might want to check out our previous blog post that lists 7 important questions you need to ask while apartment hunting.

Search For It Online

Before checking out the physical unit, search for the property online. Some property management and apartment listings websites will list the building features right there, so you don’t have to waste your time on something you’re not interested in from the get-go.

Gryd.com offers 3D tours, quality photography, and cinematic videos for all of its properties, allowing you to look around the physical space without leaving your house.

Facebook groups and apartment rental forums online can also offer some real world advice on the listing and renting in general.

Go Check It Out

Once you’ve looked an apartment up online, and you’re still interested, you should still take a look at the actual unit. You can’t trust anyone more than your own two eyes, so give the place a thorough look-through. Also, test sinks, toilets, and appliances to make sure they’re working properly. First-hand knowledge is the best you’re going to get, so be diligent about it.

Look Up The Property Manager

Bad property management could make for a bad renting experience. Give the property manager a Google search before making the decision to rent. You’ll be able to tell whether the consensus is good or bad through their Google and Facebook profile ratings and reviews.

Ask Your Friends About It

Winnipeg is a small city, so it’s possible that someone you know lived in the building you’re looking at. Create a Facebook post reaching out to anyone who might have lived in the building, and ask them about it. Referrals will provide you with more information on property management and other tenants, which are two extremely important factors in deciding on a Winnipeg apartment to live in.

Ask Your Potential Neighbours About It


Nobody knows the property more than the people living in it. There’s no harm in asking people who currently live in the building what they think about it. Like referrals, potential neighbours will give you more information about management and other people living in the building, so let them know what kind of place you’re looking for and ask them if the building fits your needs.

Make your Winnipeg apartment hunt easier on yourself and search for it on Gryd.com.

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