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9 Questions to Ask a Potential Winnipeg Roommate

July 26, 2017

Does a better friend equal a better roommate?

Sometimes, but definitely not always. The person you like to party with down Osbourne St. on the weekend  might not be the person you want to deal with on a daily basis. Plus, if the living situation goes south, your friendship is left on the line. So, if you’re browsing for 2 bedroom apartments for rent in Winnipeg, keep these 9 questions in mind while considering who to share it with.

two bedroom apartments for rent in Winnipeg

[Source: hercampus.com]

1. What’s your daily routine?

Dig a little deeper than work schedules. Ask about wake up times, how much time they generally spend in the bathroom and how late they stay up at night. If this sounds too formal, ask about their day and see what you can glean from it.

2. How much time are you home each day?

Bear in mind that people might tweak their answers to make themselves look more fun, or less of a party animal,  to satisfy whatever answer they think you want to hear. A good social media vetting can reveal a lot.

two bedroom apartment for rent in Winnipeg

[Source: stocksnap.io]

3. How do you like to relax?

Evenings and weekends are likely when you spend the most time at home, so you’ll want a clear idea of what your roomie is up to when 5 o’clock rolls around.

4. Do you have any allergies?

Assuming you’ve already talked about pets, see if there’s anything else that could be an issue, like a peanut allergy or scent sensitivities.

5.How often do you cook at home?

Having a live-in chef is a huge bonus, if you two like the same foods. Find out what whets their appetite—sharing groceries, cooking duty and sitting down for meals together is cost effective, efficient, and a good bonding opportunity.

[Source: Stocksnap.com]

6.  Do you have a significant other?

Your roommate’s partner can wind up being roommate #3. Hang out with them alongside your potential roommate at least once to make sure you can handle it for the long haul.

7. What are your pet peeves?

While you’re at it, try and figure out if this person does any of your own pet peeves.

[Source: Buzzfeed]

8. What would you bring into the apartment?

Figuring out if a potential roommate already owns a microwave, fridge and other appliances is useful information for your apartment hunt. If you find a great space that’s lacking in appliances, knowing what you’ll have already makes that less of a deal-breaker.

9.How would you describe your sense of style?

This question often gets overlooked, but it’s critical if you’re someone who cares about your home’s vibe and aesthetic. It can be a tough question to answer on the spot, so check out the candidate’s current digs to see how they’ve personalized it. This also gives you a chance to see how tidy they are.


2 bedroom apartments for rent in Winnipeg

[Source: Pexels.com]

Once you’ve found your perfect roommate, shop for 2 bedroom apartments for rent in Winnipeg on Gryd.com.


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